3 thoughts on “A Sermon from October 8, 2011

  1. Dear Bishop Will:

    I’ve just had the challenging experience to listen to your 2011 Yale sermon and also your November 2016 Aldersgate sermon.

    I’m always struck by the narrowness of Christians who somehow feel the church must have STRICT admission policies. Of course that would have meant “No Entry” for Jesus.

    I remind parishioners of the Latin word Nave. Only God can decide who will sit in God’s boat! Which reminds me of that old Choral piece, “Jesus, stand among us, in thy risen power.” It’s only when we’re brave enough to “stand up and rock the boat” that we begin to feel Christ’s presence. No more “Row, row your boat gently down the stream…” Especially after Aldersgate, Brother Wesley knew there was nothing gentle or easy about being in God’s navy.

    Gods peace,

    Bud >


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