Redlining and White Noise Part 10

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and have a conversation with Charles Rotramel and Gregg Taylor as a part of their excellent podcast, ReClaimed. We talked about my work on Willie Earle’s lynching and the preaching that happened because of it, as well as how the future of the church can be changed by our work toward racial healing now. I am grateful for Gregg’s and Charles’ work, for the conversation, and I hope you find it meaningful.

You can listen to the full episode here: It can also be found through iTunes or your favorite podcast player.


Redlining & White Noise Part 10 | Who Lynched Willie Earle with Will Willimon

In part 10 of Redlining & White Noise, Charles Rotramel and Gregg Taylor speak with Will Willimon about his book Who Lynched Willie Earle?, which is based on the true story of pastor Hawley Lynn’s March of 1947 sermon of the same title. Will walks us through the story of the last recorded lynching in Greenville, South Carolina, the historical (and current) complicity of the white, mainline protestant church, and his views on how the church can facilitate racial healing.

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