I’m Not From Here, excerpt 2

This month Cascade publishes my second novel, I’m not from Here. It’s a parable, in Southern idiom, the Don Quixote-like adventures of Felix Goforth Luckie who, while attempting to be a salesman in a small town, Galilee, Georgia, discovers himself, the world, and God. In this excerpt, Felix heads to church in Galilee. Felix’s goal thatContinue reading “I’m Not From Here, excerpt 2”

Pistol Whipped Preacher 

Speaking to his students at Liberty University in Lynchburg last week, President Jerry Falwell, Jr. said that, “It just blows my mind that the president of the United States” wants “more gun control.” Liberty students applauded when Falwell said that the shooting at San Bernadino wouldn’t have happened if any of the victims had “whatContinue reading “Pistol Whipped Preacher “

From the Huffington Post: Donald Trump is NOT a Methodist

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/will-willimon/donald-trump-is-not-a-methodist_b_8687640.html Some years ago a reporter, doing a piece on the faith of George W. Bush, called and asked if I thought Bush was a Methodist. I said I had heard rumors, but no proof. Bush appeared to be blissfully ignorant of the United Methodist Social Principles, judging from his domestic and foreign policies. ThenContinue reading “From the Huffington Post: Donald Trump is NOT a Methodist”