Preaching as Truth-Telling


I’ve enjoyed your response to my two sermons that I posted last week. It’s fun to see the comparisons that you have made.  This week, I thought it might be fun for me to share with you the sermon I preached Sunday at First Baptist, Asheville and have you share your feedback with me and others. 

Using the assigned lectionary Gospel for this Sunday, I preached on the church as a place for telling the truth. What’s your response to my sermon attempt? Post your responses and let’s have a conversation about preaching as truth-telling.

3 thoughts on “Preaching as Truth-Telling

  1. HATE, HATE, HATE it when your sermon brings me laughter, tears and feelings of being an inadequate Christian in one fell swoop. Perhaps my words have a tiny bit of hyperbole there.
    Preach it brother!!!


  2. I was at First Baptist on Sunday (as a visitor) and I really enjoyed your sermon. I had never thought of Herod as a politician, but of course, he was. I liked the way you very subtly tied together the gospel of the Bible with the gospel in our world today. If ever there was a time we need people to preach the truth it is now.


  3. They were both interesting, and significantly different – but I certainly found the “live/congregational” version a touch more profound and engaging. Thank you for your work!


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